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Various Artists I Tried A Thousand Times, A Thousand Times To Change Your Mind
CD. Firestation Tower.
A lovely international pop compilation featuring the Salteens, Holm, Celeste, Pets, the Glidshees, Vermont Sugar House, Avocadoclub, Novillero, Fever Hut, Canossa, Liberty Ship, Hidalgo, etc.
Price: $10.75

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Novillero The Brindleford Follies
CD. Endearing.
Endearing says: A 6 piece with 6 songwriters from such diverse bands as Duotang, Transonic, Walter Paisley and the Waking Eyes, Novillero have quickly become one of Winnipeg's best new bands. Their debut record, "the Brindleford Follies", blends art rock, atmospheric pop and loungish sophistication with energetic mod tendencies into a seamless and satisfying pop experience.
Price: $10.25

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