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Various Artists Pacific Union
(Silver Screen) CD. Clairecords.
Hartfield, Highspiff, Cruyff In the Bedroom, Monster Movie, Applecider, Airiel, Sugarcoat, Sciflyer, John Juhl's Cornfield, Silver Screen, Slow, Paik, Walrus, Park Avenue Music, Pia Fraus.
Price: $10.37

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Various Artists Test Tones Volume 02
(Silver Screen) CD. Clairecords.
Clairecords says: Clairecords, in conjunction with toneVENDOR, presents the second volume in their quarterly compilation series titled "test tones". The idea behind the series is to showcase some of the best bands, labels and releases offered by toneVENDOR mailorder and distribution. Volume 1.1 kicked off late last year with an overwhelming success. Volume 2.1 is looking to be even bigger and better, with more tracks, more exclusives, and an unparalleled crop of talent! Jamming 24 tracks by 24 artists in just a ... [continued]
Price: $4.19

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