Ciao Bella 1

Format: CD.
Label: March/Endearing.
Label reference #: Mar 032.
TK Mailorder Reference ID: other-0163

Price: $11.35 [Out of Stock]

Description: Smooth, charming Bay Area boy-pop with nice rock n roll tunes! This is a great album to rock out to in your automobile, when all your pals are tired of listening to Smashing Pumpkins, but still want something similarly catchy/edgy/spooky! [SP/CB comparison? Am I going to hell now?]

Track listing:

1. "In"
2. "How Low"
3. "Old School Digital Watch"
4. "Dropped Once"
5. "Meet The Great Life"
6. "Another Pill"
7. "Astronauts In Love"
8. "Details From The Deep End"
9. "We Were Always Too Young"
10. "Sink"
11. "I've Should I?"
12. "Brown Make-Up"
13. "Party Song"
14. "Feeling Low"

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