"Letters (from Henry)" by Violet

So much to say
impossible things
drunk on your words

I've raised your glass
to my lips
I'm raving - yes, I've gone mad

Henry sits down
writes again and again
"I love you, the way you say my name"

He's drunk again
on cheap red wine
colors blinding
thoughts are winding
when oh when
will she be mine?
When I see you again
wear that dress you had on
the last time I saw you
when I see you again

I loved you at 11
I love you now
I will love you at 100
never feel any pain

Last night I wondered how I
could show you
what it costs me most to do
Let me believe I have
given it to you
open my eyes

He loved her diary
she began so quietly
never lost her identity
wrote to her faithfully

madly, madly
madly, madly

(this song was written for Henry Miller)