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Various Artists Dreaming Up The Perfect Pop
CD. Planting Seeds.
Features 21 artists including Paula Kelley, the Snow Fairies, Ashley Park, Souvenir, Winterbrief, Astropop 3, Fonda, the Maybellines, Call and Response, and more!
Price: $10.16

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Souvenir Points De Suspension
CD. Shelflife.
Jabalina says: Welcome to... 'Points de Suspension', Souvenir's first album. An attractive title for a record that will easily excite the listener's curiosity, a curiosity enhanced by the exquisite artwork of prestigious designer Javier Aramburu. Here's a bright-coloured record that opens us the whole range of possibilities the band can display, as forecasted by their debut mini-CD (jab-014). Possibilities joined together by the spirit of pop and of French, the language in which they're performed. For French... [continued]
Price: $9.97

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Souvenir Premier Essai
CD-EP. Jabalina.
Jabalina says: Its title may suggest the contrary, yet this is not Souvenir's first attempt ('Premier essai') in establishing themselves in the most interesting of pop domains. They succesfully did so some months ago, thanks to their first full-length CD, 'Points de Suspension', and intend to do the same with this CD EP that contains one song taken from that record plus some great bonus tracks that make it a really special offering for fans and newcomers alike. This EP follows the path that 'Points...' ... [continued]
Price: $8.42

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Souvenir Souvenir (handel/mason/debussy/griffes)
CD. Bridge.
Price: $15.56

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Souvenir Souvenir
CD. Shelflife.
Price: $14.30

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Souvenir Souvenir
CD. Shelflife.
A peculiar curiosity is that the group is from Spain apparently, but the vocals are in French... Souvenir presents warm, polished, perfectly transplendent music with soft, edgeless guitars, sparkling keyboards, 60s trumpets, and female vocals that are luxurious and comforting. Recommended.
Price: $8.05
On sale! (Usual price $8.95)

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